

HIIT Pilates com­bines car­dio and mus­cle ton­ing using high inten­sity inter­val train­ing to keep your heart rate up & help­ing you burn fat. The Pilates prin­ci­ples sculpt you body, cre­at­ing long lean mus­cle mass. This class also helps ele­vat­e your heart rate to boost­ metab­o­lism and pro­mot­e detoxification. Hot Pilates cre­ates long lean mus­cle mass, burns fat, and increases fit­ness lev­els. It cre­ates a stronger core, improves cir­cu­la­tion, and increases flex­i­bil­ity. It is per­formed on a yoga mat mak­ing it zero impact, pro­tect­ing your joints and mus­cles from the pound­ing of other exer­cises like run­ning and jumping.

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